
Work Culture:
SFORCE work culture thrives on three primary factors – creativity, innovation, and the ability to take informed risks. As a policy, we encourage our employees to think out-of-the-box and build innovative solutions that lead to maximum customer satisfaction.

The other elements we stress on are result-orientation and transparency. As a principle, we make sure that the company gets tangible results quarter after quarter, and use them as yardsticks to measure our growth rate.

SFORCE also has a policy of job rotation, by which employees get an opportunity to work on different functionalities. This gives them a hands-on experience, while adding on to their technical knowledge and turning them into multi-tasking professionals.

Since ours is a people-driven organization, we believe every employee is a partner in the company’s progress. We discourage hierarchical barriers and encourage free and open communication; employees are free to reach anyone within the company at any time. The environment we work in is relaxed and informal and we address fellow employee by their first names, irrespective of the role or position.

Problem Solving

To SFORCE, the happiness of its employees has always topped our priority chart. We encourage our employees to approach the concerned department / people and have their concerns redressed in the best possible way.

We also conduct a regular internal survey called ‘Vox Pop’ that serves as a platform for our employees to voice their opinions. This forum allows the management to gauge the pulse of the company and take necessary action, where required

We have the following open position at sforce technologies llc

SForce Technologies LLC seeks Master’s+1 yr exp/equiv.: Java Developer (SFJD21): Java, JavaScript, HTML5, CSS3, PL/SQL, SOAP, APIs, SCRUM and Oracle.

Mail resume with job ID # to HR: 9901 E. Valley Ranch Pkwy, Suite 1030, Irving, TX 75063.

Unanticipated worksite locations throughout U.S. Foreign equiv. accepted.